Today is our last day in Asia. At the moment we're staying with relatives here in Sigapore. Being in their apartment I realized that I haven't cooked for four months. Time to change that. Since they are of to work and Frank (my husband) was packing our suitcases. I thought to myself : time to cook. What shall I make? That was easy, it's something we both really missed during traveling: Pancakes! I love pancakes, this typical Dutch dish that everybody from Holland just loves. Everybody that I know back home has a his/hers own way of making it. My father in law uses buttermilk, one of my friend swears by a beer batter. My mama uses low fat milk. For me,
I am my mother's daughter so I also use low fat milk. Back home I made them with crispy bacon and Apple syrup for dinner. But since they don't have that here (Apple syrup) I decided to make them with fruit, and for breakfast. I believe a lot of people find it strange that we eat pancakes for dinner, but hey if you'recipe Dutch that's what you do! There is another matter that is really important when it comes to pancakes, the thickness, some like American style others fluffy and others like the crepes. I also a huge fan of as thin was possible. So here's my recipe for delicious thin brunch pancakes with fruit.
250 gram of flour
pinch of salt
2 eggs
600 ml of milk
Butter for baking
this is enough for let's say 10-12 pancakes depending on how thick you want them.
Put the flower and the salt through a strainer in a bowl. Add the milk start stirring with a whisk. When everything is mixed and the batter looks smooth add the eggs and stir again till the batter looks smooth. Put a frying pan on the stove and turn the heat on. Put a little butter in the pan, when the butter is melted get a spoon poor the batter in to pan. They always say that the first one will fail, but I don't agree, if you put the stove on medium heat. Your pancake will be fine. Flip when the psncske looks golden brown, and then out of the pan on the plate. I always put another plate on top so that the food doesn't get cold. Repeat till there's no more batter. Cut some strawberries, put them on the stack of pancakes, do the same with passion fruit. Cut the fruit open and scoop out the seeds and put those on the pancakes as well. Drizzle with some honey and stack one is ready. If you want to spice things up a bit. For the second batch I used banana and walnut in the batter. Everything is exactly the same make the batter,then add a thin slices banana and some chopped walnuts ( for the size one walnut in two) and put these through the batter,strir carefully. Put some fresh banana and walnuts on top of the stack,with also a little bit of honey and brunch is ready. Ooh before I forget for the water : take a bottle of sparkling water poor this is a water jug,squeeze out half agrapefruit. Slice up some ginger and the other half of the grapefruit. Add this to the water jug. Your refreshing drink is ready. Enjoy,
the thekitchenprincess
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